Selasa, 12 Juni 2012

China Gali Ratusan Patung Prajurit Terakota

Shaanxi – Ratusan patung prajurit Terakota yang berusia dua abad ditemukan dalam penggalian ketiga di Qin Shihuang UNESCO World Heritage, Shaanxi, China.

Sebanyak 120 koleksi patung prajurit ini ditemukan dalam penggalian yang dilakukan sejak 2009. Dua penggalian sebelumnya, dilansir Daily Mail, dilakukan pada 1974 dan 1985.

Artifak di China Barat ini terkubur bersama kaisar pertama Dinasti Qin, abad ketiga sebelum Masehi. Temuan ini termasuk beberapa barang yang belum pernah terlihat. Seperti drum perang dan tameng yang dicat.

Total, terdapat lebih dari 310 benda-benda kecil yang baru digali, bersama 12 kuda dari tanah liat. Penggalian ini meliputi tanah seluas 200 meter persegi di lubang pertama, yang terbesar dan paling dikunjungi Terracota Warriors and Horses Museum.

Beberapa temuan tak biasa lainnya juga termasuk kotak alat untuk kereta kuda, panah, drum yang dicat dan beberapa benda yang dicat ungu khas China. Begitu sepenuhnya digali, semua akan dibawa ke museum.

Lebih dari seribu patung berkuran manusia dengan wajah serta gaya rambut yang unik dan berbeda-beda, telah ditemukan dari situs penggalian tersebut. Patung itu ditempatkan untuk menjaga makam kaisar pertama China, Qin Shi Huang.

Terakota bukanlah nama dari prajurit Dinasti Qin ini. Terakota berasal dari Bahasa Italia, berarti ‘tanah bakar’, yang sebenarnya dari Bahasa Latin terra cocta. Dalam Bahasa Indonesia, terakota bisa diartikan tembikar dari tanah liat.

Detail: The terracotta warriors are being carefully uncovered using delicate equipment to help preserve the detailed work in their original production more than 2,000 years agoFrozen in time: Up close the ornate detail put into the terracotta warriors is visible, with each figures facial characteristics, hairstyle and adornments clearly visible despite the passing of more than 2,000 since their creation

Detail: The terracotta warriors are being carefully uncovered using delicate equipment to help preserve the detailed work in their original production more than 2,000 years ago

Painstaking: Archaeologists at work in the extended excavation of the Pit One of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses Museum in Xian

Painstaking: Archaeologists at work in the extended excavation of the Pit One of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses Museum in Xian, China where they are measuring and recording the dimensions of the latest terracotta warrior find

Slow process: The current excavation, which started in 2009, is the third at the Chinese site following two previous digs which were carried out in 1974 and 1985

Slow process: The current excavation, which started in 2009, is the third at the Chinese site following two previous digs which were carried out in 1974 and 1985

Future: The dig at the pit is expected to carry on for another three years during which time the latest terracotta warriors will be painstakingly revealed and eventually put on public display

Future: The dig at the pit is expected to carry on for another three years during which time the latest terracotta warriors will be painstakingly revealed and eventually put on public display

Beautiful: Each of the amazing life sized terracotta warriors uncovered in China has its own hairstyle and facial features and clothing

Beautiful: Each of the amazing life-sized terracotta warriors uncovered in China has its own hairstyle and facial features and clothing

The third excavation covers about 200 square metres in pit number one - the largest and the most visited of the Terracotta Warriors And Horses Museum

The third excavation covers about 200 square metres in pit number one - the largest and the most visited of the Terracotta Warriors And Horses Museum

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