Rabu, 06 Juni 2012

Arkeolog Temukan Bukti Keberadaan Vampir

Archaeologists in the Black Sea town of Sozopol, Bulgaria have unearthed two skeletons from the Middle Ages pierced through the chest with iron rods to keep them from turning into vampires

Find: Two skeletons, believed to be those of suspected Medieval vampires, were discovered with iron poles plunged through their chests in the Bulgarian Black Sea town of Sozopol

Jika Anda menganggap vampir hanya cerita bohong belaka, nampaknya Anda harus melihat temuan para ahli ini. Para arkeolog menemukan dua kerangka vampir dari abad pertengahan.

Tim arkeolog ini menemukan kerangka dengan sebuah tongkat besi yang menembus dada agar makhluk ini tak bisa hidup kembali. Temuan ini memberi pandangan betapa seriusnya warga menangani ancaman vampir dan cara keyakinan itu berubah menjadi mitos modern.

Dua kerangka ini diperkirakan berusia 800 tahun dan ditemukan saat penggalian arkeologi di kota Sozopol, Bulgaria.

“Ada lebih dari 100 orang dikubur dan mayatnya ditusuk tongkat besi agar tak berubah menjadi vampir,” ungkap kepala museum sejarah Bulgaria Bozhidar Dimitrov seperti dilaporkan DM.

Di sisi lain, menurut keyakinan kaum Pagan, orang yang dianggap jahat selama hidupnya akan berubah menjadi vampir setelah mati kecuali dadanya ditusuk tongkat kayu atau besi sebelum dikubur. Bagaimana menurut Anda? [ikh]

A close up of one of the 'vampire' skeletons discovered with a metal bar through its chest

A close up of one of the 'vampire' skeletons discovered with a metal bar through its chest


Find: The two skeletons were discovered during a dig outside a monastery in the Bulgarian Black Sea town of Sozopol

Site: The two skeletons were discovered during an archaeological dig in the Bulgarian Black Sea town of Sozopol

Sozopol: According to the head of Bulgaria's natural history museum 100 corpses of people who were stabbed to prevent them from becoming vampires have been discovered across the country over the years

The remains of a female 'vampire' from 16th-century Venice, buried with a brick in her mouth to prevent her feasting on plague victims

The remains of a female 'vampire' from 16th-century Venice, buried with a brick in her mouth to prevent her feasting on plague victims

sumber :http://teknologi.inilah.com/read/detail/1868970/arkeolog-temukan-bukti-keberadaan-vampir

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